Physical Health

Our Pursuit of Physical Health

As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I was taught from a young age that my body is sacred, it is the temple of my spirit.  In simpler terms, my body is the house of my spirit.  If you read my first post, you read how much my little 3br, 2ba house means to me, my happiness and well being.  Recall this quote?

Now, let's compare my 3br 2 ba house to my body the house of my spirit.  Does this quote from Daniel Pinkwater, still resonate truth if I change the quote to represent my body as the house of my spirit?

 Does my body represent the dreams of my soul? Can I show my body the same love, admiration, appreciation & respect I give to my house? I strive to make my body, the house of my spirit, an inviting and welcoming place for my spirit to dwell.

  "The condition of the physical body can affect the spirit. That’s why the Lord gave us the Word of Wisdom.  He also said that we should retire to our beds early and arise early (see D&C 88:124), that we should not run faster than we have strength (see D&C 10:4), and that we should use moderation in all good things. In general, the more food we eat in its natural state and the less it is refined without additives, the healthier it will be for us. Food can affect the mind, and deficiencies in certain elements in the body can promote mental depression. A good physical examination periodically is a safeguard and may spot problems that can be remedied. Rest and physical exercise are essential, and a walk in the fresh air can refresh the spirit. Wholesome recreation is part of our religion, and a change of pace is necessary, and even its anticipation can lift the spirit." - Ezra Taft Benson, Do Not Despair

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