Tuesday, May 5, 2015

A Living Oxymoron

I am materialistic; I despise it & want to deny it but my house, closets, and storage are screaming evidence that I am; however, another part of me is an aspiring minimalist who values simplicity.  
I am made up of two completely opposite forces, and I'm seeking to find harmony and balance.

Here are some pictures of my closets.  I have already made several successful purges.  I WISH I had pictures to capture the height of the issue but these will have to do.

The picture above is the closet in our bedroom.  We bought a set of 100 wooden hangers and initially, we wanted to continue to buy more wooden hangers to replace our plastic ones; since I've been getting rid of stuff, I told Ivan I wanted to make a goal to stick to 100 pieces of clothing between the two of us! Yeah, I'm wondering if that's possible for us; may need revision but it sounded like a really awesome goal to work towards.

In college, where I gathered most of my clothing collection, I often got anxiety imagining a fire burning all my clothes and how devastated I would be.  Ridiculous, right?  

My clothes meant A LOT to me.

For YEARS, I made attempts to get rid of clothes I no longer wore or fit; I usually ended up with 5 pieces or less, I was willing to go away or donate.  You know the dialogue, "I might be able to fit this again" "I only wore this once, it's too nice to give away" etc. etc.  I also held onto things I thought I might need in the future even if that meant YEARS in the future. 

Here's our 2nd closet:

Before this purge, all the white hangers were used.  Doesn't seem like much but I did get rid of a good chunk of clothes.

The "chunk of clothes" I got rid of

Bye bye shoes

I had 15 winter coats I gave away, felt really great to get rid of them

Our 3rd Closet

I will post "after" pictures as I continue to whittle down

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