Monday, May 11, 2015

Minimalist Wannabe

Since my last post, I found Becoming Minimalist on Facebook and have felt so inspired and motivated to make some big changes towards minimizing our belongings.  I decided to start with the worst closet-closet #2.  It was an ugly, but rewarding project! 

I had no vision of what I wanted the end product to look like, no plan for how I would get rid of stuff so it was quite a process.  It took me THREE LONG days to de-junk this space.

In the previous post I talked about reducing numbers by 25-50%, so  I chose to start with what I considered the funnest part of de-junking-INVENTORY.  I took inventory of the jeans in this closet (& closet #1) and slashed the number in half.

It was an immediate reward for my minimizing efforts and just what I needed to keep going!
By the end of day 2 things were looking MUCH least INSIDE the closet was.
  This is my office (where closet #2 is located) during the de-junking phase. NOT pretty!

Here's inside my much better closet by the end of day 2.

  I was feeling pretty accomplished at this point.  I had gotten rid of a TON of stuff but still asked, is there something MORE I could get rid of, condense or combine? Of course the answer was YES.  All of these containers held craft supplies (plus another not pictured from closet #3).  I kept the biggest 3 drawer container  and got rid of all the others

This was a bigger project than I thought it would be.  It would have gone smoother had I actually had a plan of how to de-junk BUT using my common sense got the job done and I've learned a few things I'll do differently on closet #3.

Here's all the stuff we got rid of-gave away.  The black bags are 55 gal contractor bags; they're filled with our CLOTHES.  I was sad to see how much money, effort, and time I have spent of acquiring THINGS just to never use them and eventually get rid of them.  What a waste!

My office is back to order

I should probably just leave on the unrealistic pretty note portrayed above but here's the truth:  a fraction of the junk in my closet migrated to Ivan's office and closet #3. Soooo stay tuned for the closet #3 update!


  1. I am loving your blog!!! I need one of you to come do that to all my crap haha!

    1. Awhh thank you, that means a lot! And I would love to come help you de junk. The hardest part for me was all the sentimental attachments.
